Floristry and Sustainability
Preserving the environment, counteracting climate change and at the same time acting sustainably in business – how does that work? What can a florist contribute? What measures make sense?
Obwohl die ökonomischen Faktoren, das Leistungsspektrum, die Kundenstruktur und der Standort von Fachgeschäft zu Fachgeschäft variieren, kann jeder Florist Aspekte der Nachhaltigkeit in seine tägliche Arbeit integrieren. Und die Integration nachhaltiger Maßnahmen lohnt sich. Denn außer dem umweltschonenden Aspekt bietet eine nachhaltige Arbeitsweise auch andere mögliche Vorteile wie Kostenersparnisse und die Neugewinnung von Kunden. Am Besten arbeitet man anfänglich mit einem detaillierten Fragenkatalog, so dass die Maßnahm
Although the economic factors, range of services, customer structure and location vary from specialty store to specialty store, every florist can integrate aspects of sustainability into their daily work. And integrating sustainable measures is worthwhile. After all, in addition to the environmentally friendly aspect, a sustainable way of working also offers other possible benefits such as cost savings and the acquisition of new customers. It is best to work initially with a detailed catalog of questions so that the measures and changes can be tailored specifically to the individual business.
Examples of sustainable change:
- Use paper instead of foil or at least degradable foil if use of paper impossibl
- If possible, do not use packaging at all or first ask if the customer actually needs packaging
- Transition to energy-saving lighting
- Switching to a green electricity provider
- Purchase from nurseries from the region
- Switch to electric cars for transportn
- Use of products to optimize quality. The product Floralife® Quick Dip 100 offers a particularly effective way to save water and keep flowers fresh longer.
- Cooperation with Fairtrade florists
- Offer more insect-friendly plants and explicitly point out this feature
- Use of OASIS® BLACK plug-in foam. This does not have to be completely covered, as it can be used as a design element. This not only saves time, but also material.
- Floral art with “upcycling”, where useless or defective products get a new function and appreciation
It is not easy for every company to implement sustainability as a business principle, because not every measure that is desirable for the environment can be integrated into individual work processes. However, it should be understood that every minimal step towards sustainability is better for the environment than doing nothing. Also, remember to communicate your sustainable changes to the outside world (e.g., using promotional and award materials). This can attract new customers and generally build customer loyalty and trust. In addition, this is the only way to create awareness of sustainability in the floral retail sector.